From childhood we would have heard various stories about God or rather people who are considered like God. Stories about Rama, Jesus, Buddha and so many other saints… Firstly, are they considered equivalents of God because of the miracles they exhibited? No!! They only ensured to equip and exhibit the power of the soul inside them ALWAYS. Even we would consider someone as an angel/God when they extend a timely help or exhibit their soul property right? From the day I was born, my parents had always been beside me to give me all the support whenever needed. To my eyes, they seem like God. There was a time I felt completely dejected in life and that was the time I got a friend of mine who held my hands and gave me all the support. To me, that friend is like God who lifted my life. Similarly when we lend a timely help to someone, we would have experienced them telling “God has sent you to help me in this situation”. Thus, the God- like nature exists in each of our souls and it is very essential to sharpen it and exhibit it always. Secondly, as equivalents of God, was their life a bed of roses? No, In fact they had carried more responsibilities and had to face more problematic situations than the ones we are currently facing. It is only the way they dealt those situations, made us consider them as God. So, sometimes when you feel that you have more problems than your neighbor, it means that you are getting closer to becoming divine.
Our soul in the pure state has immense powers. Powers are nothing but all the positive vibrations inside us. The major powers of soul includes: Knowledge about what is right or wrong and awareness about self and everything around us (intuition), abundant peace, empathy (means the power to understand and comprehend the other soul), un-conditional love, ever -lasting happiness, courage to withstand or destroy the external negative traits, bliss and more important the power to control our own body and mind. The more we exhibit these properties is when we give life and energy to our soul and people are called as God. At the same time each time we give space to the negative vibrations like fear, anger, guilt, hatred, jealousy, depression, sorrow, selfishness etc, is like inducing virus into our soul and ultimately the soul will get possible diseases and sometimes even reach comma stage such that you are completely conquered by the negative thoughts. In olden days, there were neither telephones nor any appliances. Yet the people were able to communicate with each other through minds and had all knowledge essential to lead a full-filled life.
So, how to ensure that we are always aligned towards soul properties?
i) First step is to check if you are AWARE OF and ALIGNED towards the purpose of your existence. The strength of the purpose lies in how many people it is benefiting.
ii) Next step is to check if you are living a life of choice or a life of compulsion. No matter whatever is the situation is, if only we can see that we are taking up the situation as a matter of choice, we are giving all the power to our soul to handle it.
iii) Living the life of dharma; which means that any decision made has to be oriented towards the purpose of existence and not on any selfish motive.
According to Law of Karma, this life has been given to us as a gift in order to nullify the scars/ diseases in our soul and add more life to our soul. This glow to the soul can be brought about only by ensuring that we look more inwards through mediation and positive affirmations. Not just the day you are born but, each and every day has to be considered as a gift and an opportunity to add more life to your soul and help your soul glow.