As I was walking back to my hostel after a very weary day in office, I saw a small boy stroll a heavy vehicle selling cotton candy. I was immediately reminded of how I would run calling out for it when I was a kid. For a moment I became a kid. I called out to the boy and he stopped. I asked how much does one cost. He didn’t speak. He just showed his five fingers and I understood it was Rs.5/ per candy. I told him to give 5 packs of cotton candy so that I could give to my friends in hostel also. As I had Rs.30/, I thought I could get one more and asked him to give one more. He didn’t speak. He was busy packing them for me. Finally, he declared he had given six as I gave him the money. With a smile I thanked him.As I turned to leave, he called me and gave me one more. I didn’t know how to react and asked “Why?”, but felt very happy as he told me to take it. I realized the power of a simple smile and the impact it can have on others. He never spoke a word more than necessary. He never smiled back whenever I smiled at him. However just showed his love through the act of giving more than what I needed.Love is everywhere and inside every human being. Its just that we human try to search for giving it to a particular set of people or sometimes only one person labeling “Special” and brood over when they do not reciprocate the way we wanted. When love is given to all people we meet without any expectations, we are not only bringing out our hidden love but also making the love in the other person blossom. “Love” is universal. Keep giving to all and let the world blossom with the fragrance of Love.
1 comment:
Good One! BTW, i am also trying for it ;)
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