One Sunday morning Shyam and his sister Chinnu were playing in their garden with sand. They were busy creating various animals, birds and flowers using the moulds that their dad had presented them that new year. Chinnu exclaimed “Look !!! I have created so many things. A bear, my favourite rabbit, a crow, doggy, elephant and a lotus”. Then she looked at Shyam perplexed and asked: “Why have you not used the moulds? You have not created anything ! What are you doing with the sand?”
Shyam looked at her and asked:” Can your rabbit jump? Can the doggy you created play with you?” Chinnu interrupted. “Stop ! they don’t have life. Only God creates the creatures with life. “ Shyam explained:” Well in that case, I have created a life now. I have buried a mango seed inside the ground just now and have watered it. You know, one day my seed will grow into a huge tree and give us fruits.” Chinnu was overwhelmed and excited about her brother’s creation of life. Till that day she did not realise that every man is given the potential to become God “The Creator”. She told her brother that she was very happy about his creation.
They ran to their mom to share that happy news. Their mom appreciated their effort and said that their job is not just over with the creation. The next step is the most important step where they have to nurture their creation to help it grow and attain its fullest form.
So every day they watered it and ensured that everything possible for it to grow is done. They did for two complete weeks. And, nothing happened. They were very disappointed and told their mom that they were frustrated that their efforts were not paid off. Their mom assured them that no effort will go on toss and also told them that having done their part, they have to have the patience for the invisible and empowered nature to respond for their action. With all the hope they continued to act and one fine day, there was a sprout protruding out of the soil. Shyam and Chinnu jumped in joy on seeing their first creation of life pop out of the heavenly mother earth.
We start our life as a cell and in just two months, all the major organs begin to function when the baby is only a size of a bean. In just 9 months, we are complete and out as the sprout into the hands of the Mother (Earth). Each of us are like the seed sown by God into our mother’s womb. Seldom do we realise the extent of nurture that God gives us from the conception with all the hope that one fine day we will use all our given potential and grow up to bear and share the fruits of life. Yes ! God can only nurture us. It is our responsibility to utilize the potential inside us to grow and attain the fullest form in life.
So, let us start utilizing the creator inside us. Let us create our purpose as dreams, nurture them and see them grow into bliss and success in our life. Start now ! Be the creator of your life !!!
1 comment:
A beautiful article. The insight given in this article about the nature's wonderfulness is very much needed for humans in this century. Many to be creative but HOW? The PERSON aspect of the mind BLOCKS the CREATIVE aspect of the HUMAN CREATURE.
. Creativity is inborn pptential which is unleashed when man's FEARS (such as fear of failure, unknown, others, established others, humiliation, disapproval,etc), good boy syndrome, conventonal attitudes are eradicated. Everyone's inclination and uniqueness needs to be developed to lead to a creative functioning.
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