Friday, March 8, 2013


How dumb!!! When we are given the power to do anything and everything in this world, will anyone choose to practice the art of doing nothing? Not at all !!! But, the truth is that, from the ancient days, the art of doing nothing has been given so much emphasis and in fact mostly attributed as a pathway to reach God. And that was why in those days, most of the sages/ saints in India had believed and practiced this art of doing nothing to reach God or rather to reach the state of God.In fact God is called as the ultimate power because he had chosen to practice the art of doing nothing. So, what is this art of doing nothing???

1. Scientifically speaking, as per the Newton’s third Law, when you do everything positive using your complete potential w.r.t your thoughts, words and actions; as an equal and opposite action to it, you should also do nothing negative w.r.t your thoughts, words and actions.
2. Extending Newton’s Law to the law of karma, against the negative situations (-) that you encounter, when you practice doing nothing negative (equal and opposite reaction (|)) the universe will act on your behalf and give a positive result (+) for you. (-), (|) = (+). This is how your Karma gets tallied up.

Let me explain…

Since the ancient times, there had been customs in all the religions to practise the art of doing nothing. Practices like prayer, fasting of food (being practised among almost all the religions), being without talking (mouna virdha), being without sleep the whole night, meditation etc.. These are some of the forms of practising the art of doing nothing. In fact they created occasions like Ramzan, Ekadasi, Pradosha, Navrathri, Maha Shiv Rathri, Good Friday, Ash Wednesday and so on… to practise this art of doing nothing.

Given the power to eat whatever you like daily, there were days allotted to eat nothing which was called Fasting of food. Given the power to talk, which we normally use to the fullest, there were days allotted for not talking. Given the power to sleep anytime, there were days allotted not to sleep in the night. Given the power of thoughts, words & action; when you choose to do nothing of that; it is called meditation. All these practices were adopted as an offering to God. But the real inner meaning is that the more you practise the forms of restricting yourself from doing nothing the easier it is to move closer to the divine characteristics. Because all the characteristics we attribute to the divine include the element of doing nothing. Eg: When a person scolds/insults you and if you do nothing back, it is called patience. When a situation is not favorable to you and if you do nothing at it, is called tolerance. When your loved one opts to leave you for some reason and you do nothing to stop, it is called true love. So also all the qualities like peace, satisfaction, respect, happiness, calmness, harmony, concentration, obedience etc.. encompass the element of doing nothing. You absolutely have to do nothing to get all these divine qualities in you.

If we notice, almost all the people whom we call as great people have only practised the art of doing nothing in various forms by which they have achieved everything they felt necessary in their life. Yes!!! They did everything positive and against the negative situations that they encountered, they practised doing nothing negative. For example, for all the violence that was imposed on, Gandhiji chose to do nothing back. For all the hurt that Jesus Christ v got, he chose to do nothing in return to those people. For all the insult that people gave Mother Theresa whenever she went to collect donation for her abandoned souls, she gave nothing back to those people. The same goes with so many of the great souls like Swami Vivekanandha, Harichandra, Lord Rama etc... They are hence called mahatma’s or humble or down to earth and even God; but definitely not Dumb!!!