Sunday, May 10, 2015


Once upon a time there lived a caterpillar that kept complaining and cribbing the whole day on something or the other. Everyday it’s mom (beautiful butterfly) would bring leaves to the caterpillar. The caterpillar will eat the leaves and start bombarding his mom with a list of complains. It asked the butterfly: “How come you are so beautiful and I am not? Why am I having these ugly thorns on my back? Why can’t I fly like you? Why do I have to crawl and go?... “ and the list goes on never ending.

The butterfly with utmost calmness told the caterpillar that ,“You are born to become a butterfly” and the mother butterfly will continue “Have you ever appreciated this cozy little leaf house you are in which I have made for you and the heaps of leaves I bring everyday to the house which will help you grow into a butterfly? You are living a king’s life! Why do you crib?” The caterpillar replied,” But I am not happy. I am not beautiful like you”. The butterfly told, “In that case it is time for you to go out and realize your self-worth. But remember to thank God whenever you feel gifted.” The caterpillar accepted to explore and moved out of that house. As it was crawling by, on the way it saw a sparrow eating another caterpillar. Seeing that, it hid immediately under a leaf nearby and then told “ Thank you God for giving me this life”. Then it slowly climbed down the tree and met an earthworm. The caterpillar asked it: “Why do you have to dig such a big hole and live inside when the nature is so fresh outside?” . The earthworm replied:”It is not possible for me to tolerate the heat of the sun or the coldness in the night. So I have to go inside the earth where the temperature is optimum. Look! I don’t have any fur like you on my body”. The caterpillar told:” Thank you God for giving me my fur.”

As the caterpillar was crawling further, it started to rain and the caterpillar got stuck to the mud and was absolutely helpless and got clueless on what to do. It just closed its eyes and thought about the cozy leaf house in the interior trunk of the tree where nothing could ever disturb it and told “ Thank you God for that cozy house you had given me”. The rain stopped and the sun peeped out and dried all the water. The caterpillar opened its eyes and saw that the world was completely different to it. All the big trees had been rooted out by the storm and the place was absolutely deserted. It turned back to find that the tree it had been living so long had also been rooted out. The caterpillar thanked God for saving it’s life the second time. Now it started moving ahead and realized that it could crawl freely and it said” Thank you God that I could crawl”. It had been a long day and the storm and rain had washed out all the leaves and hunger had conquered the caterpillar by now. When the caterpillar was dying of hunger, there came a fresh leaf flying in the wind and landed just next to it. The caterpillar got amused by it and said: “ Thank you God for giving me this meal at this hour of need” and started to feed on it. After a whole hearted meal, the caterpillar asked himself “When I am gifted so much, what am I doing with it? Why am I given this life? Who am I?”. With loads of traffic thoughts in mind, it crawled non -stop and finally reached a small plant that had withstood the storm and the rain just because of its size. It saw another caterpillar on that plant and asked “What are you doing on this small plant?”. The other Caterpillar told: “ I am feeding myself on this plant and growing in all dimensions so that one fine day, I become a beautiful butterfly and fly from one tree to another and fulfill my purpose of moving pollen from one place to another and watch the colourful flowers bloom.” Hearing this the caterpillar got enlightened and thanked God saying:” Dear God, I was wondering why you had taken away the opportunities of all big trees in my life through the storm. But now I realize that I still have to grow to reach the top of the tree. Thank you God for this opportunity to grow in my life. And, I understand that my purpose in life is to make beautiful flowers bloom.” Realizing this, the caterpillar stuck itself to the small plant that gave it the opportunity to grow when all other options before it was shut and started to grow holding on to it. And one fine day it realized that, its wings have grown at its back and it had become a butterfly as its mom used to tell it. And then with loads of excitement, it slowly slighted its grip from the plant and soon realized that it was happy out in the air flying. And it shouted “ Wow.. I am a butterfly today. Thank you God for making me a butterfly”.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Me & Me !!!

Once there lived a little Cuckoo happily with its family. Each and every day, they sing together & rejoice. However, all the other Cuckoos kept telling the little Cuckoo that it has to improve itself this way or that way & so the Cuckoo never felt confident or happy about what it did, yet loved all its family members & tired its best to cope up to their expectations.

One day as they were migrating from one forest to another, the little Cuckoo lost its way & happened to settle down in an intermediate forest. This forest had several other species of birds except the Cuckoo Species. The Cuckoo saw that all the birds were talented in one way or the other. The peacocks dance, the ducks swims, the woodpeckers pecks the wood, the crane’s elegancy, the pigeon’s beauty & so on seeing them, it felt all the more inferior about itself as it did not seem to find any prominent talent or anything beautiful in itself. He knows to sing, but never felt confident about it because, his family members always found fault with the way he was singing. The cuckoo tried to mingle with the other birds, yet felt inferior about itself. All the other birds also started to treat him differently because of the attitude the cuckoo had about himself.

One fine day, the cuckoo was walking alone & was singing a sad melody as he was very disappointed. There came the pigeon (symbol of peace & love) and stunned at the performance of the cuckoo asked the cuckoo why it was very sad. The cuckoo was in the heights of inferiority complex and never wanted to open up. Then the pigeon held its feather around the cuckoo and gave it all the strength by telling that the melody he heard just now was the best and has never heard any other bird sing so sweet like this. The Pigeon then asked the cuckoo to explore & find out the good it has in itself eliminating the criticism of the people who commented on him. The pigeon further told that “Each of us is a master piece. Success in life is all about how much one knows about oneself & also to what extent one can make use of it to help/lift up others and more importantly to sustain all the good he knows about himself in the various situations of life in spite of the storms that crosses by”.

The cuckoo started to explore about itself and began to list out the various talents it had compared to all other birds. It then started teaching the other birds how to sing and also learnt from other birds to swim, dance and many other things. The life turned out to be very satisfied & happy as the cuckoo now knew about itself, his talents and used those talents to uplift the spirits of other birds around it. It was all because of the friendship & love of the pigeon. Day by day their friendship grew deeper & deeper.

One fine day, the cuckoo thought about its family & how much they would be missing it. So it told the pigeon that it has to have back to its family. The pigeon understood & accepted and bid farewell to the cuckoo. However the duck wanted to accompany the cuckoo wherever the cuckoo went because it just loved his company. The cuckoo and the duck then started searching forest by forest. Each forest gave him various experiences with regards to other birds & several situations it had to handle. In all the challenges, the cuckoo tried its best to only remember what the pigeon told it. ”Each of us is a master piece. Success in life is all about how much one knows about oneself & also to what extent one can make use of it to help/lift up others and more importantly to sustain all the good he knows about himself in the various situations of life in spite of the storms that crosses by”. And from each forest there were some handful of birds who started accompanying Cuckoo too.

One fine day, the cuckoo found back its family. After having faced so many difficulties & all the more having emphasized about itself in each of these, now that he felt all the more confident to live in its family along with the other birds that followed him. All its family members were so surprised to see how unique & wonderful the cuckoo had evolved itself to become. The cuckoo lived very happily thereafter.

Our happiness lies in us. No matter how many ever people / situations come in our life, when you start learning from the other people and situations and all the more important, start strengthening on your goodness and talents, ultimately it is only one entity “Me” which will remain with you and that entity “Me” would be serving as an inspiration and model for all the rest of the people around you. The success rate of your life depends on how well you nurture that “Me” in you & also the extent to which you can transfer that positive element of “Me” in you to people around you. One fine day, you will find a clone of so many “Me” around you and you will call it your family. This was what so many great people like Rama, Jesus Christ, Swami Vivekananda, Gandhiji, Mother Teresa etc had tried to do. They exactly knew about themselves and nurtured the “Me” in them & by their way if living had transformed so many others around them with that factor of “Me” in them.

Friday, March 8, 2013


How dumb!!! When we are given the power to do anything and everything in this world, will anyone choose to practice the art of doing nothing? Not at all !!! But, the truth is that, from the ancient days, the art of doing nothing has been given so much emphasis and in fact mostly attributed as a pathway to reach God. And that was why in those days, most of the sages/ saints in India had believed and practiced this art of doing nothing to reach God or rather to reach the state of God.In fact God is called as the ultimate power because he had chosen to practice the art of doing nothing. So, what is this art of doing nothing???

1. Scientifically speaking, as per the Newton’s third Law, when you do everything positive using your complete potential w.r.t your thoughts, words and actions; as an equal and opposite action to it, you should also do nothing negative w.r.t your thoughts, words and actions.
2. Extending Newton’s Law to the law of karma, against the negative situations (-) that you encounter, when you practice doing nothing negative (equal and opposite reaction (|)) the universe will act on your behalf and give a positive result (+) for you. (-), (|) = (+). This is how your Karma gets tallied up.

Let me explain…

Since the ancient times, there had been customs in all the religions to practise the art of doing nothing. Practices like prayer, fasting of food (being practised among almost all the religions), being without talking (mouna virdha), being without sleep the whole night, meditation etc.. These are some of the forms of practising the art of doing nothing. In fact they created occasions like Ramzan, Ekadasi, Pradosha, Navrathri, Maha Shiv Rathri, Good Friday, Ash Wednesday and so on… to practise this art of doing nothing.

Given the power to eat whatever you like daily, there were days allotted to eat nothing which was called Fasting of food. Given the power to talk, which we normally use to the fullest, there were days allotted for not talking. Given the power to sleep anytime, there were days allotted not to sleep in the night. Given the power of thoughts, words & action; when you choose to do nothing of that; it is called meditation. All these practices were adopted as an offering to God. But the real inner meaning is that the more you practise the forms of restricting yourself from doing nothing the easier it is to move closer to the divine characteristics. Because all the characteristics we attribute to the divine include the element of doing nothing. Eg: When a person scolds/insults you and if you do nothing back, it is called patience. When a situation is not favorable to you and if you do nothing at it, is called tolerance. When your loved one opts to leave you for some reason and you do nothing to stop, it is called true love. So also all the qualities like peace, satisfaction, respect, happiness, calmness, harmony, concentration, obedience etc.. encompass the element of doing nothing. You absolutely have to do nothing to get all these divine qualities in you.

If we notice, almost all the people whom we call as great people have only practised the art of doing nothing in various forms by which they have achieved everything they felt necessary in their life. Yes!!! They did everything positive and against the negative situations that they encountered, they practised doing nothing negative. For example, for all the violence that was imposed on, Gandhiji chose to do nothing back. For all the hurt that Jesus Christ v got, he chose to do nothing in return to those people. For all the insult that people gave Mother Theresa whenever she went to collect donation for her abandoned souls, she gave nothing back to those people. The same goes with so many of the great souls like Swami Vivekanandha, Harichandra, Lord Rama etc... They are hence called mahatma’s or humble or down to earth and even God; but definitely not Dumb!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Give life to your Soul

From childhood we would have heard various stories about God or rather people who are considered like God. Stories about Rama, Jesus, Buddha and so many other saints… Firstly, are they considered equivalents of God because of the miracles they exhibited? No!! They only ensured to equip and exhibit the power of the soul inside them ALWAYS. Even we would consider someone as an angel/God when they extend a timely help or exhibit their soul property right? From the day I was born, my parents had always been beside me to give me all the support whenever needed. To my eyes, they seem like God. There was a time I felt completely dejected in life and that was the time I got a friend of mine who held my hands and gave me all the support. To me, that friend is like God who lifted my life. Similarly when we lend a timely help to someone, we would have experienced them telling “God has sent you to help me in this situation”. Thus, the God- like nature exists in each of our souls and it is very essential to sharpen it and exhibit it always. Secondly, as equivalents of God, was their life a bed of roses? No, In fact they had carried more responsibilities and had to face more problematic situations than the ones we are currently facing. It is only the way they dealt those situations, made us consider them as God. So, sometimes when you feel that you have more problems than your neighbor, it means that you are getting closer to becoming divine.

Our soul in the pure state has immense powers. Powers are nothing but all the positive vibrations inside us. The major powers of soul includes: Knowledge about what is right or wrong and awareness about self and everything around us (intuition), abundant peace, empathy (means the power to understand and comprehend the other soul), un-conditional love, ever -lasting happiness, courage to withstand or destroy the external negative traits, bliss and more important the power to control our own body and mind. The more we exhibit these properties is when we give life and energy to our soul and people are called as God. At the same time each time we give space to the negative vibrations like fear, anger, guilt, hatred, jealousy, depression, sorrow, selfishness etc, is like inducing virus into our soul and ultimately the soul will get possible diseases and sometimes even reach comma stage such that you are completely conquered by the negative thoughts. In olden days, there were neither telephones nor any appliances. Yet the people were able to communicate with each other through minds and had all knowledge essential to lead a full-filled life.

So, how to ensure that we are always aligned towards soul properties?

i) First step is to check if you are AWARE OF and ALIGNED towards the purpose of your existence. The strength of the purpose lies in how many people it is benefiting.

ii) Next step is to check if you are living a life of choice or a life of compulsion. No matter whatever is the situation is, if only we can see that we are taking up the situation as a matter of choice, we are giving all the power to our soul to handle it.

iii) Living the life of dharma; which means that any decision made has to be oriented towards the purpose of existence and not on any selfish motive.

According to Law of Karma, this life has been given to us as a gift in order to nullify the scars/ diseases in our soul and add more life to our soul. This glow to the soul can be brought about only by ensuring that we look more inwards through mediation and positive affirmations. Not just the day you are born but, each and every day has to be considered as a gift and an opportunity to add more life to your soul and help your soul glow.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


“Let happiness be with you forever!!!” Does this sound like a boon given to you??? All of us would wish this boon to happen throughout our life. But the truth is that most of us stop only with wishing for it. We would have noticed that some people are always happy no matter whatever the situation is. Their presence would always enlighten the whole atmosphere wherever they are. We might name them as extroverts or optimists or lucky folks or cool heads. But, what so ever is the name, have we ever thought ‘how is that possible for them to be happy and light always when we are not able to do it?’ The answer is very simple. To be happy all you have to do is start living in the present by applying the below 5 thumb rules:

• Watching your thoughts – Eliminate worries about past and future
• Gratitude – Count your blessings and the favours you enjoy from others
• Hope – Positive attitude
• Choose to be happy – Irrespective of the situation
• Love – Yourself, what you do and all people around you

Our thoughts will lead our life. Mind does not know whether the thought is positive or negative nor it is programmed to execute only selected thoughts. In the current scenario, “Worry” has become a habit for most of us. We not only stop with worrying but also share them with others and make others also to worry. Even children are taught to worry as parents build their expectations and anxiousness on them. Almost every moment we either keep worrying about the spilt milk (past) or the eggs yet to be hatched (future). Worrying will result in stagnation of our thoughts and also accumulation of more and more forms of negative energy in us. Thus at any point of time it is very essential to cut out any negative thought when it starts peeping out itself.

When asked to count the number of happy moments experienced in a month, the number would normally be a distinct one digit for most of us. On the other hand, when asked to count the number of times we had been worrying about something, probably that would go on till infinity and for some it could also include the present moment. Most of the times any devastating loss through people/situations of the past will make us worry the most. Those are the times where we have to start counting the number of blessings we have in the present. We need to be grateful for even one good that we have achieved through the person or the event that we consider the loss from. “Past” is to be considered only as a reference in order to either learn or build confidence that we have already crossed it safe or to recollect the sweet memories and gain momentum in the present life. All we have to understand is that whatever happens to us that are not under our permissible condition is for our good and we will later understand why that had happened. The more you start noting the blessings you have and the more the gratitude you show to the people who help you and do some good for you in the past or in the day to day life, you are attracting more and more positive energy in your thoughts. Gratitude has immense power. Thank for you woke up well in the morning, thank that you have reached your workplace on time. Thank your friend for accompanying you for a coffee break; thank your mom/wife for having prepared a hearty food. Thank for each good experience you get. This will enhance your positive energy and give more and more happiness to you and people around you.

Once a man asked God” If everything is written in fate then why to pray or work towards what we want to achieve?” God smiled and said” Probably at many instances I would have just written ‘AS YOU WISH’ ”. Our “Future” exactly depends on what we think about and do now. Be it in terms of your career or relationship or health. There is a saying "First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do. The good happening will take care of itself." ~ Epictetus. Accepting the present situation and doing what we can do with all the hope that we will succeed will eliminate any uncertainty about the future and bring about whatever good is in store for us. Just note down what you really want to have and write down a gratitude note imagining that you have already achieved what you want and keep reading it or telling it in your mind whenever possible. Then continue doing what you have to do to achieve it and the miracle will happen absolutely because of your thought power and positive attitude. This will work for any small to big hope of yours be it in career or relationship or health.

Apart from the past and future situations, another challenge is the situation in the present. In our day to day life we come across many situations/people we consider unfavourable to us. Our happiness is mostly controlled or rather stolen through these so considered unfavourable situations/people. Any situation becomes unfavourable mostly because it does not match with our expectation. What we consider as unfavourable would sometimes be the most favourable for others. However most of these situations can be handled through the principle of “Why Not” and “acceptance”. Eg: Your friend might hate talking during work whereas you enjoy talking and working. So, whenever you talk to her during work, she insults you which make you feel bad. In this case being without talking is not going to affect you in anyway and you might well as enjoy your work through other means, then you can adopt the “why not” principle. Whenever there is no foreseen risks, the “why not” principle can be adopted that will bring about an out of the box solution. However the situation is, all we have to do is to stay calm for some time and believe that even the most complex situation would have a simple solution. This would invoke the power of acceptance in us and help in getting the most appropriate solution for that situation.

Above all, happiness is complete only with this key component of love added to whatever you do for yourself and to all people around you. Create a purpose that involves happiness of one another person at least apart from you, for whatever you are doing. This will help you carry out your job with utmost joy and your fullest capability. Love grows through smile and appreciation. To give love to yourself give yourself more and more experiences that would make you smile and start appreciating your efforts. Similarly, to grow your love to all people around you, you will have to give more and more smiling and appreciation experiences to them and which is why it is essential to love others the way they want to be loved. Seeing smiling faces around us will always kindle our inner strength and help experience happiness to the fullest.The more you keep smiling and appreciating, the more the love and happiness flows through you.

All of us are born with the freedom to be happy and all we have to do is to keep our happiness lit up always which in turn would light the happiness of others too.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


She lay on her bed as her thoughts flew back to her days love… the days, when she was filled with bliss and happiness. She reflected about that one soul which completely accepted her and showered all the love to her even when she was hostile at times. That soul loved to spare even all the time it had with her and kept admiring and appreciating her for every single step or even a simple notice she made. That soul was happy to see her smile and hear her laughter and readily gave the shoulders to her when she was gloomy or in tears. Every hug she got from that soul filled her with everlasting happiness. She always did the very best to please that soul and loved to be under the warmth of that soul always.
She had all the strength to face anything in her life for she knew that whenever she fell down, there would be a helping hand from that soul and she would again rise up to the air with all her strength regained back. Under the love of that soul she felt she was at her best and she started spreading her joy and happiness to all people around her too. She was beaming with sprits and realized that she had succeeded all the way from the place where she laid hopelessly till the day she was high up in the air on her own. And, that was the point she realised that she was completely in love with herself too. She loved herself and whatever she did absolutely. That love gave her all the joy, happiness, hope, strength, success and above all the eternal peace. She ran up to her mom and kissed her on her forehead- To the soul of patience, endurance and complete surrender. Love is pure and so are the effects of it.
Now, this loving soul could have played the role of a parent or child or spouse or valentine or friend or sibling or just any person or even all of them in each one’s life. But, it would have given the same miraculous feeling till the extent that the 2 laws of love had been abided to.
Law 1: Law of giving unconditionally
Law 2: Law of freedom without any intension of possession

Firstly, Love functions based on the “Law of giving unconditionally”. Till the moment love is given unconditionally without expecting anything in return, this love will work miracle on you and the soul you are in love. The perfect example for this is the mother’s love to her baby. However, if the mother starts to expect something in return as the baby grows up, is when the love starts fading away.
Secondly, love is meant to be free. No one can be compelled to love or perform anything for love. Love is true when there is mutual respect for the feelings of both the souls. Just like the flower in the garden, it spreads out the fragrance and you can keep getting mesmerised in it. However, the moment you try to possess the flower, you will have to see the flower fading off. In our real day to day scenario, we come across many instances of the so called “Love Failure”. This is a typical example where one soul tries to possess another soul. There are even instances where love fails after marriage. This is because; they get the flower in the hand, but forget to nurture the garden that yielded it. There is a garden of love inside every individual. Each and every flower in the garden is the precious moments experienced during the entire life through so many loving souls you came across. More than processing just a single flower, it is highly essential that the fragrant garden of love inside is nurtured and kept live.
The hidden truth about Love is that ‘Love helps you to love yourself first and finds its way in spreading to others through you’. We have to understand that all the miracles and precious feelings occur in you when you experience love, not because of the love you have on the other person, but typically because that is the point when you have started loving yourself and that is when the garden of love inside you is also recognized and nurtured.
Just to abide to the two laws of love and keep your love alive, there may be a necessity to undergo anything like sacrifice, tolerance, endurance, acceptance, hard-work, time, patience etc… However, you can be sure that when you have done anything and everything possible just to abide to the rules of love, the fragrance of love would remain in your garden of love and in the garden of the souls you loved and spread through you and those souls forever.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


In our day to day life, it is in fact amazing to think that most of us spend at least two-third of our time for accumulating, taking care and retaining money & other material possessions. It includes even simple day to day activities like Cleaning and locking the house, vehicle maintenance, managing bills, shopping, locking up the treasures in bank, working hard the entire day to accumulate more possessions, searching for ways to enhance the possessions and the list goes on. Anything done apart from that is done just for the sake of it.

If we think a little deeper, anyone will accept that whatever is being done is with the underlying objective to get “Peace”; if not immediately, at least in future. This is the buried subtle truth in the heart of any individual. Be it a beggar or a terrorist, they have their own ways to accumulate their possessions and they do what they do to conquer their inner Peace.

When we are doing so many things, are we remaining peaceful the entire day? How many times in a day, we are letting our inner peace being robbed just in a moment, by innumerable intruders like anger, greed, jealousy, ego, fear, attachment, lust, worries, stress, guilt, frustration… name it whatever!? What have we done to lock-up our most wanted peace within ourselves?

No matter what the situation maybe, every moment it is our duty to examine and safely lock-up our peace at the thought level leading to word level and that leading to action level. It is by doing so, that the fulfillment of living a fruitful life can be achieved. There are five locks that can safeguard our peace from any of the intruders. Two locks for thought level (positive thought and acceptance), one lock for word level (mouth lock) and two locks at action level (love and detachment).

Lock 1: The most important lock for peace is “Positive Thought”. Our thoughts have amazing powers to control over our body, mind and even the entire universe. So, it is very essential to watch over our thoughts and cut off any negative thought that is stealing the peace at the very root level itself. It is very essential that every thought of ours has to be vibrant with positive energy and so will it be reflected in our words and action too. There are two tools that can help us in achieving this: hope and self-control. Anything can be changed or regained only with one light of hope always burning in you. Fill your thoughts completely with the hope of having the future you aspire to have. Secondly, it is very essential to control our inner nature that includes the negative traits/anything that is going to take out the peace of people around us at the thought level itself.

Lock 2: The second lock is “Acceptance” of people and situations. Acceptance gives the courage to face anything in life with the in-built faith that the end result can definitely be made positive. When the people and situations are accepted as they are, it not only helps in retaining our peace but also render space and sharpen our mind to pull out the best solution possible. The tools that will help us in acceptance of people are empathy and forgiveness. The tools that will help us in acceptance of situations are courage and faith.

Lock 3: The third lock is for the mouth. We are already provided with two natural locks for our mouth (the teeth and lips). Any word out of the mouth has to surpass these two locks. This is itself a symbolic representation of how controlled one has to be over words. Most of the time peace is lost when one lets of the words without any necessity or without the deep analysis of the consequences. Silence by itself is a wonderful tool we can practice under any negative situation that we sense. In the scale of positive words to negative words, the peace quotient will be max when our words are entirely positive and decreases so and so the more the negativity we use in our words.

Lock 4: The fourth lock is “Love”. When you truly love yourself and love each and everything you do, that love will spread to other people around you also through you. You would then start loving this entire world. That love will bring you all the success and happiness you desire in your life and you will be blessed with abundant peace. For, love is the most powerful source of energy based on which the universe is operating. Any change for good is possible, only with love.

Lock 5: The fifth lock for peace is “Detachment” from people and material possessions. You can give your entire love and time to all people around you. You can conquer the whole world and live the life of a king. All these can be done with one thought ruling you that ‘the world is just a temporary space for yourself, anything and everything’. This thought is only going to help you to love and conquer in a more peaceful way as, you will not have any expectations from people nor will any failure disturb you.

Any situation in life where your peace is on stake can be safeguarded using any one or more of these locks. And, having done so, last but not the least, do you remember what we normally do after locking? Yes ! checking if we have locked it fine. So ask the question to yourself “Am I in Peace now?”.