In our day to day life, it is in fact amazing to think that most of us spend at least two-third of our time for accumulating, taking care and retaining money & other material possessions. It includes even simple day to day activities like Cleaning and locking the house, vehicle maintenance, managing bills, shopping, locking up the treasures in bank, working hard the entire day to accumulate more possessions, searching for ways to enhance the possessions and the list goes on. Anything done apart from that is done just for the sake of it.
If we think a little deeper, anyone will accept that whatever is being done is with the underlying objective to get “Peace”; if not immediately, at least in future. This is the buried subtle truth in the heart of any individual. Be it a beggar or a terrorist, they have their own ways to accumulate their possessions and they do what they do to conquer their inner Peace.
When we are doing so many things, are we remaining peaceful the entire day? How many times in a day, we are letting our inner peace being robbed just in a moment, by innumerable intruders like anger, greed, jealousy, ego, fear, attachment, lust, worries, stress, guilt, frustration… name it whatever!? What have we done to lock-up our most wanted peace within ourselves?
No matter what the situation maybe, every moment it is our duty to examine and safely lock-up our peace at the thought level leading to word level and that leading to action level. It is by doing so, that the fulfillment of living a fruitful life can be achieved. There are five locks that can safeguard our peace from any of the intruders. Two locks for thought level (positive thought and acceptance), one lock for word level (mouth lock) and two locks at action level (love and detachment).
Lock 1: The most important lock for peace is “Positive Thought”. Our thoughts have amazing powers to control over our body, mind and even the entire universe. So, it is very essential to watch over our thoughts and cut off any negative thought that is stealing the peace at the very root level itself. It is very essential that every thought of ours has to be vibrant with positive energy and so will it be reflected in our words and action too. There are two tools that can help us in achieving this: hope and self-control. Anything can be changed or regained only with one light of hope always burning in you. Fill your thoughts completely with the hope of having the future you aspire to have. Secondly, it is very essential to control our inner nature that includes the negative traits/anything that is going to take out the peace of people around us at the thought level itself.
Lock 2: The second lock is “Acceptance” of people and situations. Acceptance gives the courage to face anything in life with the in-built faith that the end result can definitely be made positive. When the people and situations are accepted as they are, it not only helps in retaining our peace but also render space and sharpen our mind to pull out the best solution possible. The tools that will help us in acceptance of people are empathy and forgiveness. The tools that will help us in acceptance of situations are courage and faith.
Lock 3: The third lock is for the mouth. We are already provided with two natural locks for our mouth (the teeth and lips). Any word out of the mouth has to surpass these two locks. This is itself a symbolic representation of how controlled one has to be over words. Most of the time peace is lost when one lets of the words without any necessity or without the deep analysis of the consequences. Silence by itself is a wonderful tool we can practice under any negative situation that we sense. In the scale of positive words to negative words, the peace quotient will be max when our words are entirely positive and decreases so and so the more the negativity we use in our words.
Lock 4: The fourth lock is “Love”. When you truly love yourself and love each and everything you do, that love will spread to other people around you also through you. You would then start loving this entire world. That love will bring you all the success and happiness you desire in your life and you will be blessed with abundant peace. For, love is the most powerful source of energy based on which the universe is operating. Any change for good is possible, only with love.
Lock 5: The fifth lock for peace is “Detachment” from people and material possessions. You can give your entire love and time to all people around you. You can conquer the whole world and live the life of a king. All these can be done with one thought ruling you that ‘the world is just a temporary space for yourself, anything and everything’. This thought is only going to help you to love and conquer in a more peaceful way as, you will not have any expectations from people nor will any failure disturb you.
Any situation in life where your peace is on stake can be safeguarded using any one or more of these locks. And, having done so, last but not the least, do you remember what we normally do after locking? Yes ! checking if we have locked it fine. So ask the question to yourself “Am I in Peace now?”.
Beautiful thought, written in a interesting manner. Sure. I'll use all of the locks mentioned in your post to lock my inner peace and safeguard it.
Thanks once again
Icon selection is good in all your articles. I guess ‘Agni’ has triggered the philosophical agni (fire) in the minds of readers. As any triggering involves an energy conversion, this ‘Agni’ converted the energy in her into appealing arrangement of words. ‘Conquer their inner peace’ is the right phrase used in the article. But it is a tragedy that humans are stuck in surrendering their peace towards an uncertainty in future.The phrase ‘Live the life of a king’- certainly denotes that the mind becomes richer by giving those to someone else (detach).
The new born baby is completely immersed in peace. As it grows up and up the contradicting thoughts such as jealous, fear, worries, etc make the peace fade away. And one cannot lock the peace because the very eye sight, behavior, etc will tell others at least something about the prevailing peace. Ideas mentioned are good strategies/guidelines not as a lock but as a key. In action, the process is to unlock in the case of Ideas number 1, 2, 4 and 5 whereas lock (or stop) for idea no 3. The action of locking leads to a detrimental behavior. Unlocking is needed rather than locking. For e.g. Point no 2, ‘Acceptance’ of Frog and Lizard is a great impossibility for many people, which is perhaps a lock. Inside that room one can find ‘Something’ that might lead him forward. One needs to unlock it by acceptance and understanding that it is just another harmless integration of cells powered by the nature’s intelligence for its survival.
Hi Agni. I do have a illusionary picture on the 'positive thoughts'. If possible, can u kindly explain me some 10 situations of applying positive thoughts(in a new article) with examples. I would heartily welcome an article addressing key variables(elements) of positive thought.
Thanks a lot for your elaborate view :) As you have rightly pointed out, it is true that since our childhood we have been exposed to various intruders like uncertainty of future, fear of insects, influence by other people around us etc.. In fact we are currently locked up by all those intruders. We normally lock up something in order to safeguard it. This article aims to suggest trying to lock up the peace within us. No matter we lock up our own peace or unlock the currently locked intruders through the keys (or tools) mentioned in this article, the end result is going to be the same.
Would definitely write an article on "Living Positively" in the near future :) currently suggest you to see the documentary on the book "The Secret" which clearly emphasizes the power of positive thought : http://www.megavideo.com/?v=WAFH8NMJ
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