She lay on her bed as her thoughts flew back to her days love… the days, when she was filled with bliss and happiness. She reflected about that one soul which completely accepted her and showered all the love to her even when she was hostile at times. That soul loved to spare even all the time it had with her and kept admiring and appreciating her for every single step or even a simple notice she made. That soul was happy to see her smile and hear her laughter and readily gave the shoulders to her when she was gloomy or in tears. Every hug she got from that soul filled her with everlasting happiness. She always did the very best to please that soul and loved to be under the warmth of that soul always.
She had all the strength to face anything in her life for she knew that whenever she fell down, there would be a helping hand from that soul and she would again rise up to the air with all her strength regained back. Under the love of that soul she felt she was at her best and she started spreading her joy and happiness to all people around her too. She was beaming with sprits and realized that she had succeeded all the way from the place where she laid hopelessly till the day she was high up in the air on her own. And, that was the point she realised that she was completely in love with herself too. She loved herself and whatever she did absolutely. That love gave her all the joy, happiness, hope, strength, success and above all the eternal peace. She ran up to her mom and kissed her on her forehead- To the soul of patience, endurance and complete surrender. Love is pure and so are the effects of it.
Now, this loving soul could have played the role of a parent or child or spouse or valentine or friend or sibling or just any person or even all of them in each one’s life. But, it would have given the same miraculous feeling till the extent that the 2 laws of love had been abided to.
Law 1: Law of giving unconditionally
Law 2: Law of freedom without any intension of possession

Firstly, Love functions based on the “Law of giving unconditionally”. Till the moment love is given unconditionally without expecting anything in return, this love will work miracle on you and the soul you are in love. The perfect example for this is the mother’s love to her baby. However, if the mother starts to expect something in return as the baby grows up, is when the love starts fading away.
Secondly, love is meant to be free. No one can be compelled to love or perform anything for love. Love is true when there is mutual respect for the feelings of both the souls. Just like the flower in the garden, it spreads out the fragrance and you can keep getting mesmerised in it. However, the moment you try to possess the flower, you will have to see the flower fading off. In our real day to day scenario, we come across many instances of the so called “Love Failure”. This is a typical example where one soul tries to possess another soul. There are even instances where love fails after marriage. This is because; they get the flower in the hand, but forget to nurture the garden that yielded it. There is a garden of love inside every individual. Each and every flower in the garden is the precious moments experienced during the entire life through so many loving souls you came across. More than processing just a single flower, it is highly essential that the fragrant garden of love inside is nurtured and kept live.
The hidden truth about Love is that ‘Love helps you to love yourself first and finds its way in spreading to others through you’. We have to understand that all the miracles and precious feelings occur in you when you experience love, not because of the love you have on the other person, but typically because that is the point when you have started loving yourself and that is when the garden of love inside you is also recognized and nurtured.
Just to abide to the two laws of love and keep your love alive, there may be a necessity to undergo anything like sacrifice, tolerance, endurance, acceptance, hard-work, time, patience etc… However, you can be sure that when you have done anything and everything possible just to abide to the rules of love, the fragrance of love would remain in your garden of love and in the garden of the souls you loved and spread through you and those souls forever.
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